Tag: gnomes

The Gnomes and I Wish You a Merry Christmas!

The gnomes are all ready for Christmas! How about you? They have a beautiful Christmas tree that lights up, and…

The Gnomes’ Christmas Party and a Free Download!

The gnomes decided it was time for their first Christmas party of the season! They strung some Christmas lights, set…

It’s Gnomevember 2023!

Here it is, Gnomevember once again! I love gnomes, and I know I’m not the only one. It seems like…

I Have Dollhouse Gnomes!

I was miserably sick all week with a terrible cold. It wasn’t Covid, according to my at-home test, but I…

Gnome on the Range

It’s Gnomevember! I found an adorable gnome tutorial by Sarah Nenni Daher on YouTube (watch the video here.) She has…