It’s Gnomevember 2023!

Here it is, Gnomevember once again! I love gnomes, and I know I’m not the only one. It seems like they’re getting more and more popular with each passing year, which makes me very happy!


I’ve been having fun drawing animated gnomes. I used photos from as the backgrounds. I enjoy using Unsplash photos or my own photos to make these kinds of photo-doodles.


Did you enjoy an extra hour of sleep, returning to Standard Time on Sunday? If anything, I feel more tired! I can’t believe we’re still doing this!


If you have gnomes in your life, please tell me about them! I hope you have a great week!

Author: Michelle

8 thoughts on “It’s Gnomevember 2023!

  1. This is too cute for words (thank goodness Nicole has seen this post). My favourite is the pot on the stove one. ADORABLE.

    Why are we still doing the time changes? Though I like the fall switch a lot better than the spring one, for what it’s worth.

    1. Thank you, Elisabeth! I love drawing on photos, making little characters to fit with the scene. I agree that the fall time change is easier than the spring one. I really dislike losing the hour in the spring!

  2. Aww, I love gnomes! These are so cute.
    I’m really tired. I woke up at my normal time this morning, which is an hour earlier. 🤣
    I can’t believe we’re still doing it either, Michelle!

    1. Thank you so much, Kari! Hopefully we’ll get adjusted soon – only to change it back in four months!

  3. I like a good gnome. Yours are wonderful. So clever. We have one who holds an acorn and is two-dimensional. He’s metal and on a stick that I stick in a flower pot in the fall. Nestled among mums he looks perfect.

    1. Thank you so much, Ally! Your garden gnome sounds wonderful. They do tend to look good in gardens!

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