My Blog Book Arrived, and it’s Beautiful!

When I did my big blog cleanup, I had all the old posts printed in a hardcover book through LuLu Self Publishing. It arrived today, and it’s beautiful!

The book is 8.5 X 11 inches and about 1.25 inches thick. It’s a tome of 332 pages! Now that I have it in my hands, I sort of wish I’d spent more time getting it perfectly formatted and making a better cover. But it’s just for my own enjoyment, and really, it’s good enough for me!

I’m really pleased with the quality of the book. The cover is sturdy, the interior paper is luxurious, and the photos look gorgeous. (By the way, I’m not affiliated with LuLu – this is my honest review!)

I paid $75.28 for the book, plus shipping. So it seemed a little expensive, but now that I see the high quality of the book, I’d say it was well worth it. My home printer never could’ve handled printing all these pages. Reading through the book has brought me so much joy; I know I’ll treasure it forever!

I would definitely do this again. In fact, it makes me feel inspired to draw and sew and write about it so that I can make another blog book!

Wishing you a great week!

Author: Michelle

14 thoughts on “My Blog Book Arrived, and it’s Beautiful!

  1. It’s so beautiful Michelle! I have archived all my old posts and this seems like such a beautiful way to preserve them and I am thinking it might be something nice to create going forward as you said-saving them in a doc and then printing every so many years. I am sure you will treasure it!

  2. It looks really good! What did you have to send them to get it done? It is just as simple as exporting something from your blog and sending them the link for it? If so, then it is not just the printer you are saving, but hours of cutting, pasting and formatting in order to get it to look right. I think it is well worth the money!

    1. Hello Kyria! Thanks for your nice comment! I wish it had been that simple, but I had to highlight each post, copy, and paste into a Word document. Then I had to spend some time re-formatting things. When I’d done all my posts, I saved the whole thing as a PDF, and that’s what I sent to LuLu. Luckily, the photos copied and pasted with the text. So, it was work, but it wasn’t too overwhelming. From now on, I’m going to save my posts in a working Word document, so I don’t have to do it all at once.

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole! I’m really glad I went for it and didn’t get hung up on trying to make it perfectly formatted, etc.

  3. It looks beautiful, Michelle! You should be proud of such an amazing body of work! The photos look so vibrant! It seems like a very reasonable price, all things considered, and certainly a better bargain than the cost of home printer ink! Thanks for sharing and for reminding us of the importance of preserving our work!

    1. Thank you so much, Jodi! The photos are vibrant, and the paper is nice. I’m so pleased with how it turned out!

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