How Covid-19 has changed my attitude about creating art

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected my life in so many ways. But this is an art blog, so I thought I’d discuss how the pandemic affected my art during the past two weeks.

Even before the pandemic, I found that making art could soothe my anxiety and make me feel joyful. However, I often found that a list of “shoulds” dampened the joy of creating. I should have an art business and run it a certain way. I should promote my art on social media. I should work hard to improve my skills. I should look at my work critically and strive to do better. I should follow the current trends. I should enter a contest. I should niche down. I should find my style. This list could actually create anxiety rather than soothe it!

But during the past two weeks, I completely forgot about all of that. In the face of the pandemic, the list became meaningless to me. Instead, I dove deep into a personal project that I’ve wanted to do for quite some time. I let go of all the “shoulds” and focused instead on what felt joyful, what came easily to me, and what my whimsy wanted to do.

Because of this change in attitude, my art has returned to feeling fun and light, even during this dark and scary time. I’m creating for my own enjoyment and sanity. I’ve become my own biggest fan and my own delighted audience.

I’m hoping this new outlook on art will stay with me.

And I wish you well.  

Author: Michelle