Raising the Roof – the Dollhouse Roof

I decided to put wood shingles on my dollhouse roof. I started by painting the pink roof with Burnt Sienna craft paint to match the window and door frames.

For the shingles, I had a package of 1 X 3-inch wood planks, and I was certain that I had enough to cover the roof. But of course, I did NOT have enough. I had to order another package from Amazon, which took a week to arrive – and in the meantime, I had an unfinished roof. It drove me crazy!!

I don’t like to leave things unfinished, especially like this, where it’s uneven! And there was nothing I could do but wait for the planks to arrive while the unfinished roof seemed to mock me every time I walked by.

When the planks finally arrived, it was such a relief to get them glued in place and have a completed roof. Yay!

I made a little window box for the front window. I felt like it needed a little something extra, so I added in a bluebird and a nest full of eggs that I made with polymer clay.

When I was ordering the extra wood planks, Amazon suggested I might also like these mini embroidery hoops. Yes, thank you, Amazon. I do like those!

Wishing you a great week!

Author: Michelle

8 thoughts on “Raising the Roof – the Dollhouse Roof

  1. Hi Michelle, I love the new roof!! And those mini embroidery hoops? Oh my! But I had to laugh a little about your unfinished project distress (I am sorry!) because my world is years of unfinished projects! They just are huge projects because I am a bit unrealistic and just get started and then it takes a looooong time to finish! Still working on it! I am glad you got the shingles and the birds nest is adorable! :):)

    1. Thank you so much, Betsy! I’m glad I could give you a laugh, and I love watching you work on your projects on your blog. There’s something so lovely about working slowly, enjoying all the little steps of the process. If I could have finished the row, I probably wouldn’t have been so distressed! 😂

  2. MICHELLLLLLLLLLLLLE! You know what, I am having kind of a shitty weekend due to my younger son having dental surgery which should have been straightforward and then wasn’t, and I come here and DOLLLLLLLHOUUUUUUSSSSE! You really know how to brighten my whole day. The little birdie! The eggs! THE DOLLHOUSE! I am so here for this.

    1. I’m so sorry you had a rough week, Nicole, and so happy that the dollhouse photos helped! Your lovely comment sure brightened my day! Thank you, Nicole!

  3. Hey Michelle, your blog is so cute! I love to sew, too, so it’ll be fun to follow your blog!

    1. Hello Sew Thready! What a great name! Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comment!

  4. Too funny – the roof was mocking you! But isn’t that always how it goes? The roof looks great, and the bird & nest are the perfect finishing touch for the window box.

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