Cute, Tiny Things for My Dollhouse Living Room

There are SO many cute, tiny things to purchase for dollhouses, and I have to admit that I’ve fallen prey to their allure. I mean, they’re soooo cute and tiny – and generally quite inexpensive. So now I have this bookshelf full of miniature items in my dollhouse living room.

I love the mini vases, the plants, and especially the tiny books!

And a miniature gramophone!

Can you hear the old-timey, scratchy music?

The tiniest telephone!

And a working miniature lamp!
And look at this beautiful little chair!

I put a flowering tree in the corner – some faux flowers in a Jiffy Pot!

And I made a throw rug with some of my pansy fabric.

And then I added a very (comparatively) large bench for the owl and the piggy to sit on.

Maybe they’ll do some dancing to the music on the gramophone!

I don’t feel like the living room is complete just yet. Some wall art would be nice!

Thanks for stopping by to look at the cute stuff! Wishing you a great week!

Author: Michelle

12 thoughts on “Cute, Tiny Things for My Dollhouse Living Room

  1. I am late in opening up this e-mail. I think it is impressive for it’s detail and layout. John Mason

  2. Super cute and fun, Michelle! Your dollhouse is being filled with inspiration, creativity and all the things that make your heart sing!

    1. Thank you so much, Jodi! It does make my heart sing to visit my dollhouse every day!

  3. The second I saw the title of this post I clickety clicked over here and I was not disappointed! Everything is cuter and cuter, so it is hard for me to choose a favourite, but maybe the gramophone? Or the telephone? The owl and piggy can cut a rug ON AN ACTUAL TINY RUG. I mean, really. How adorable can this get?? The shelves full of tiny little books and vases, omg, Michelllllllle. And the little baskets and flowering plant, I kind of want to shrink myself and live there.
    Thanks so much for including me on your blog roll! xoxoxo

    1. Thank you, Nicole! You made me smile. 😊 Your comments always make me smile! I love the thought of owl and piggy cutting a rug on the rug!

    1. Thank you, Amelia Jane! I’m obsessed with all these little items, especially the gramophone!

  4. Hi Michelle! That is an Awesome gramophone!!! I can definitely hear the scratchy music! The Owl and Piggy look very comfortable on their Large bench… it is so delicately shaped. Aren’t minis Wonderful? I agree about tiny books… but I can’t seem to keep them on the shelves… I always want to see them and open them up. I love your pansy rug too and I’m sure you will find lovely artwork for the walls! :):)

    1. Thank you so much, Betsy! I want to open the books too! I have a few extras to scatter around here and there later on. I ordered a mini desk to go with the chair, and it’s lost in transit. Boo!

  5. I love all of these things! The pig! The owl! The tiny phone!!! Oh my goodness, how adorable.

    And thank you so much for including my blog on your blog roll! It is a great honor to be included. You made my day, Michelle! 😘❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Kari! All these tiny things make me feel happy every time I walk by my dollhouse! And I’m so glad I found your blog. It’s always enjoyable to read, and you always make me think about things!

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