I’m Drawing Photo Doodles

I drew a cute doodle bird on a photo of a blooming apple tree.

Update June 5, 2024: Well, sadly, Foto turned out to be a disappointment for me. In just a few days, it went from fun to creepy and icky, and I didn’t feel comfortable there. I deleted my account, and I’m out $5 – not a big deal.

I recently signed up for a new app called Foto. It’s in Beta right now, so it has limited features and a few little glitches, but it’s been fun so far. There are about 5000 users at the moment, and we all paid a one-time $5 fee to be there, so we’re invested in it, so to speak. That means everyone wants to be there to post their photography, so no advertising or spam nonsense is going on. How refreshing!

This is a picture of a terrible hole I found in a very old tree. It looked like a gaping mouth, so I added eyes to make a yelling monster. Hopefully, it’s more cute than scary!

The only issue I’ve had with Foto is there are some nudes. There’s a feature to block sensitive content, but it doesn’t catch all of it. The nudes I’ve seen are “art nudes” rather than “porno nudes,” but I still don’t want to see them! That’s not my thing, obviously, as I’m posting photo doodles of silly faces and little creatures! Hopefully, things will improve in the nudes department as the app gets more features. Perhaps some users would like to block anything with photo doodles! To each their own!

Here’s another hole in an old tree! I drew a little creature with white eyes and a toothy smile that lives in there.

I’ve been having fun drawing on my photos. I usually take photos with my iPhone 12 mini, send them to my iPad, and draw with the Procreate app. I’m enjoying a different outlook on photography, looking for interesting scenes and objects I could draw on.

I drew a little fairy sitting in an open tulip blossom.

So here are my photo doodles! I hope they make you smile!

Here’s a group of tulip buds. I drew eyes, noses, and smiles on the happy bunch!
Our apple tree is blossoming! I drew three busy bees flying around.
A Red Angus – Hereford cross heifer named Flopsy needed a floppy straw hat and a flower in her mouth.
Author: Michelle

16 thoughts on “I’m Drawing Photo Doodles

  1. Haha! Those are really fun! I love that you are so silly and are getting joy from this app! Your doodles are all so happy too. I like the fairy sitting in the tulip a lot! My brother has been experimenting with creating 3D drawings or GIFs that move and is really having a good time doing it, even though it is taking him some time to learn how to do it. He has even enlisted my friend’s 13 year old to help him and for her to learn with him, and they are having a blast. Art is fun!

  2. I saw your tulip buds on Threads [or was it IG?] and loved them. I wondered how you did it. The beta app you’re using sounds intriguing. So many different ways to make photos into something more.

    1. Thank you, Ally! I think I posted it on Threads. It’s hard to remember what I’ve done where! It’s all fun!

  3. I love Flopsy and her head. So cool. The app sounds like a nice place to share some art. And I love you little faces and things you have discovered in your photos. So cool. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. This is so cute Michelle, brought a smile to my face, thank you ☺️ Keep avoiding those nodes and bringing the lightness to life.

  5. I love them all but especially the bees and the gaping hole in the tree! I have never heard of this app, it sounds perfect for you. I mean, hopefully there will be fewer dongs going forward (I personally wouldn’t care if it was an arty woman nude, but there is something really offputting about some guy’s junk, artfully photographed or not. I basically never want to see that.)

    1. Ha! Ha! Your comment made me spit out my coffee! 🤣 I’m sure the filters will get better, and if not, I’ll just bow out. Luckily, I’m mainly seeing lots of birds, cats, and flowers, and I love them!

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